Wednesday, September 13, 2006

On being a student again

You know, languages are funny. Not everyone can learn them. I am finding this out very quickly as I am currently enrolled in a language course.

I should clarify something here. I am not talking about myself; rather I am talking about some of my classmates. Studies show that people have a hard time learning a second or third language after the age of about 12. Now, I know I am older than 12 but I am also faring a lot better than others in my class; it probably has something to do with knowing the language as a child and having it rolling around in my subconscious. It's week two and I can already tell you the two people who are going to keep this class from going at a fast pace. Not to be an agist, but it's the two women over 50. Don't get me wrong; I admire them for even attempting to learn a language so vastly different from their native tongue. But Christ, they can barely say hello without getting confused. And when writing a three letter word takes almost four minutes, well, it's an issue. Or at least it is for me.

My professor must have the patience of a saint because I don't and I am annoyed. Luckily for me, I got paired with a girl who just returned from a country where this language is the native tongue. She and I are getting along really well, especially since we started the mocking last night. Granted, it was quiet, only we can hear it mocking but it was fun.

Also, I forgot how tedious language homework can be. And how time consuming. I spent the better part of Saturday morning and Monday night doing homework. It's a good thing I have tivo for the upcoming news seasons. I won't be letting homework stop me from watching hours of mindless television.

Speaking of television, I saw the new Gilmore Girls promo last night. It looks promising. Luke seems shocked by the events of last season; though mostly because his head has been up his ass. Sigh. Anyway, here's to hoping it's a good season. Oh, and this Sunday night check out the final night of the WB. They are showing the pilot episodes of Buffy, Angel, Felicity, and Dawson's Creek. Guess how many of those are on my tivo to do list.

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