Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Meow mix

So, first of all, thanks for all your well wishes for my nutty cat. It turns out she doesn't have, in fact never had, a urinary tract infection. What she actually has is stress induced inflammation of the bladder. Yeah. Who would have thought that my cat (who is only four) would be so stressed out? Apparently the move wasn't as smooth for Zaria as it's been for me. Anyhoodle, she didn't need surgery but she is on meds for the next three weeks and she has a new, special diet.

On the work front, my office is being renovated today so I am surrounded by drywall and noise. It's a lot of fun. I also had my first reference question and, of course, it had to be a difficult one from a ph.d. candidate. But I am trying to muddle my way through it. Also, I just put in a request to attend a conference in Boston this November. I've never been to Boston; so those of you who have need to give the goods on the nice places to eat.

ETA: Holla to my pal Marissa for getting a book review shout out on I am so jealous.

Otherwise, I am leading the boring life of looking forward to Project Runway tonight. It's truly exciting this life I lead.


Beth said...

You will have to visit Ryan Hanson and Jenn in Boston!!! They took us to a pretty tasty restaurant.

Roll The Dice said...

I didn't realize I was a rock star until I looked at my site stats and saw all the traffic from the site. :-)

You know Project Runway is a RERUN tonight, right? *sobs*

Jalehlabad said...

I totally forgot that Ryan lived there. I will be looking up the Hanson clan.


Beth said...

I didn't discover it was a re-run until I went to watch it. :( :( :(

If you see Ry, say hi for me. He is such a funny boy.