Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'd rather be dead than red in the head

I finally sat down to watch the newest version of the story of Queen Elizabeth I. Elizabeth I starring Helen Mirren as the aging queen in need of a husband and heir. I thought the film was excellently done. The costuming alone would make it wonderful but the acting was also superb. How could it not be with Ms. Mirren and Jeremy Irons? Also, Hugh Dancy is as cute as he was in Ella Enchanted. Hee.

I have sort of always had a fascination with Elizabeth. She intrigued me as a fellow red head. In college when I was able to really study her I found her to be even more compelling. Here is a woman who grew up without a mother and with a father who basically hated her. Her siblings weren't exactly what one would call close what with Mary trying to kill her and all. But this woman ruled England well. Better than either of her siblings for sure. Although, on Edwards behalf he never really had a chance thanks to being so damn sickly. Anyway, in this version of the story Elizabeth doesn't ever have sex; she is the virgin queen. Not sure I totally buy into that theory but I suppose the times were very different and Elizabeth pregnant with an illegitimate child wouldn't have been so kosher.

Anyway, if you have HBO you should totally check this two part movie out.

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