Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome Back, Kotter

After a long hiatus I return to you all. So, how's it going?

I have been very busy with painting and unpacking and spending money I don't have on furniture and other items to fill my apartment. I'd post pictures of my new pad if I had thought to take any. Maybe I will do that this week some time.

I am currently at my new, temporary desk at my shiny new job. It's a bit strange as the training here is a little lax compared to the training I had at my old place of business. Right now I am getting ready to go through the supply catalog to order up some goodies.

It's strange since so much has happened at and yet it feels like there isn't all that much to tell you.

I have been watching The Forsyte Saga from Netflix. It's good on a variety of levels. First there is the Captain Winters aka Damian Lewis level. I say that makes it good even if it was bad. But it's not bad. I think you are supposed to hate the Damian Lewis character but I really pity him. Anyway, I am hoping that disc two comes soon. Also, I have officially watched every episode of Arrested Development. And now I am even more sad that the show is not getting a fourth season. This show is not only hilarious in a laugh out loud and pee you pants way but also in a sly making fun of our political structure way. It's excellent. Go rent the dvds today.

Anyway, I am glad to be back. I hope you are happy to have me back.


Beth said...

Yaaaaaaaay! Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

I love the Forsyte Saga! I became addicted when it was on PBS, and am definitely going to have to go rent it again from the library! Glad you're back and all moved in!

Unknown said...

"Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back."