Thursday, September 07, 2006

Gilmore Girls and memes

I think that the impossible has happened. I am Gilmored out. I am tired of those Gilmore Girls or at least the episodes in syndication on ABCFamily. I deleted my tivo season pass for the syndication episodes. I am done. I can't bear to watch the season six episodes that will begin on October 2. I am a little scard to begin season seven (which starts on Spet. 27). Damn you, Amy Sherman Palladino for filling me with such sadness and dread. I am hoping that Rina Minoun (from Everwood) will help breathe some new life into this season. And speaking of Everwood, it begins in syndication on ABCFamily on October 2. PLEASE WATCH this fabulous show. If you aren't hooked after three episodes then you can mock me unmercilessly for loving this show. Let the tears and laughter begin.

And now on to this meme from Ali P, Bill and Mike.

1. Elaborate on your default icon.

I don't understand this at all.

2. What’s your current relationship status?

That's a funny one. Single. I am perpetually single.

3. Ever have a near-death experience?

Two actually. Both of them involve car accidents. Does that shock anyone?

4. Name an obvious quality you have.

Gosh. I don't know. Shyness. Hee.

5. What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now?

I've Got a Theory ~ Cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

6. Any celeb you would marry?

I would marry Michael Vartan if only for the sweet French nothings he would whisper in my ears.

7. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?

Yeah once when I as drunk at a bar but I don't remember which celebrity I looked like.

8. Do you wear a watch? What kind?

Nope. I started to develop rashes on my wrist when I wore a watch.

9. Do you have anything pierced?

Several ear piercings and the nose.

10. Do you have any tattoos?

Yep. Three of them.

11. Do you like pain?

Sometimes. Mostly when it's related to the gym.

12. Do you like to shop?

Yes. A lot. Too bad I don't make more money.

13. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?

Haagen Das fat free mango sorbet.

14. What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?


15. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?


16. What is on your desktop background?

A cast pictrue from Arrested Development.

17. What is the background on your cell phone?

An artsy pic I took of paint chips.

18. Do you like redheads?

Yes. Otherwise I would be self-loathing and that is no fun at all.

19. Do you know any twins?

Yep. My friends Kellie and Josh have twin daughters. They are cuties.

20. Do you have any weird relatives?

Seriously. Is this a real question? Most of my relatives are strange while I am oddly normal.

21. What was the last movie you watched?

Embarrassingly enough, it was Monster In-law.

22. What was the last book you read?

Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

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