Monday, April 16, 2007


Well, last night I watched the two hour series premiere of the Fox show Drive. I can honestly say I've never watched a show on Fox before. I never got into 24 enough to watch it not in dvd form and I never watched Firefly or Arrested Development in real time, probably because I am stupid on occasion. So, I am hoping that Drive gets treated a bit better than Firefly did. Anyway.

The show is pretty interesting so far. The premise is that there is some secret cross country race with a prize of $32 million dollars at the end. Each day you get a clue or two and have to arrive at the designated place. Being last is bad. Each person has a different reason for being in the race and some people seem like they got recruited while others sought out the race. For example, one character is competing to get the money so she can flee her abusive hubby and another man seems to in the race so he can spend "quality time" with his daughter before he dies. And so on...

I am really liking the character of Alex Tully played by the awesome Nathan Fillion. Yay for Capt. Mal getting a new show. Also, this show features Amy Acker (Fred on Angel) as Alex's kidnapped wife. Alex is compelled to race to get his wife back.

Anyway, I hope you all will tune in tonight for episode three. If you feel like I didn't 'splain it good enough, well, check out Strega's recaps.

In movie news, I watched the very funny Confetti yesterday. Confetti stars Martin Freeman and others in a documentary/mockumentary style farce about weddings. The premise is that Confetti Magazine (a bridal mag) is holding a competition for "most original wedding." Three couples complete. Matt (Martin Freeman) and Sam want a musical wedding; Josef and Isabelle want a tennis wedding; and Joanna and Michael want a nudist wedding. The wedding planners are frakkin' hilarious. One of the funniest parts of the movie actually didn't make the final cut. In one scene, the wedding planners think aloud about maiming and/or attacking one of the bride-to-be's mother. Hilarious! Anyway, if you want a movie that has the total cuteness of Martin Freeman and lampoons weddings, then check out this film.

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