Thursday, April 12, 2007


So, beginning May 1, I am going to reread all the Harry Potter books in preparation for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Anyone want to join me? For all you readers who are slower readers than me, feel free to start earlier.

Every time I read a series book and then a new comes out I like to reread the previous books so I can remember all the details. This might be why I have read all the Diana Gabaldon books about seven times each. Oh and also because I frakkin love them. I hope she's writing the last book now. I need to know what happens next!


Roll The Dice said...

I'm rereading the last two in the series before July...I pulled them off my shelf last night, so we must be sharing a brain! :-)

Unknown said...

I got the first two for Xmas and haven't read them yet. I could start. :)

Jalehlabad said...

You've never read Harry Potter, Bill? Wow. I thought I came late to that party when I started reading after book five was out. Please join us!

Beth said...

I probably won't read them all, as I am one of the aforementioned slow readers and also because I have about a million other books on my plate, but I will at the very least re-read #6. Ooo, or perhaps I will listen to it on audiobook. Before it came out, I listened to the others on audiobook and it was a nice refresher and took me less time than reading them. Plus, Jim Dale rocks.