Monday, April 30, 2007


Every once in a while I will meet a new person. In getting to know them I am often asked about who my favorite band is. This happened to me just the other day actually. The first band that popped into my head was Morphine. Now, some of you might say who? And some of you might not think that strange at all. But sometimes I wonder about myself when my favorite band is a group who hasn't existed for almost seven years now. See, almost seven years ago, Morphine's lead singer died of a heart attack on stage. When I found out it was one of the saddest days of my life. I'd seen Morphine in concert five times. I'd met Mark Sandman (I acted like a tongue-tied, retarded person, but I met him). And even now, it's a rare occasion to be in my car without one of Morphine's discs along for the ride.

There's something about Mark Sandman. He wasn't that handsome but he was so frakkin' charming. When he was on stage performing, well, I am not sure that a girl in the crowd would have turned him down. Honestly, I would have done just about anything just to hang out with him one night to listen to him talk. He had one of the best voices I've ever encountered. For some reason today I am missing Morphine and pining for a new Morphine album that will never come. But for those of you who've never heard them or want to hear them again, I've got this youtube video for you. So, watch this video and enjoy.

ETA: Grammatical errors fixed especially for Benjamin.

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