Friday, April 13, 2007

Where should it go?

So, I am getting a new tattoo. It's been picked out and approved by moi. I am not even getting it alone. Squater and I are, in fact, getting matching tattoos. Now the question is where do I put the damn thing on my body? I thought for a time that our matching tattoos should go in the same place but since Squater is putting his on his left arm (as part of his soon to come left arm sleeve) I basically nixed that idea. No other tattoo will detract from the beauty of my Hand of Fatima tattoo (although, that picture on Wikipedia is kind of ugly and looks nothing at all like my tattoo).

So, all this begs the question, where should I put my new tattoo? I've been pondering this question for several weeks now and I have shot down most every idea I personally have come up with. Currently, I am giving serious thought to my right shoulder blade or upper right arm. So, what do you people think?


Unknown said...

Obviously, you should tattoo your neck.

Beth said...

I say shoulder blade. One on each arm is a bit too symmetrical, and besides, a shoulder blade will not stretch as much with age (always a concern when getting a tattoo, in my book--and, in fact, one of the main reasons I don't have any!)

What will this tattoo look like??? Is it big? Little? I have always thought that if I got one, I'd get a little one on my inner wrist (see above stretching parameters--seems like that area couldn't stretch as much as others).

Or, as Bill said, just go neck. Neck = statement! Woot!

Anonymous said...

In addition to the neck, I suggest you go with one of the more traditional spots: forehead, palm, cheek, elbow, scalp, tongue, etc. Or I guess the shoulder blade would be fine too.