Friday, April 13, 2007

How will it end?

As May approaches I feel like it's time to tackle the ever present question about Gilmore Girls ending. There is a major hue and cry on the internets to keep this show going. Kristin from E!Online had a poll and GG won the Save one Show poll. Personally, I just don't care anymore. I am only watching out of habit these days. If they don't have a season eight, I am not sure I would be sad about that. I feel like this show hasn't really been "on" since season five. I think my hate of many of the more recent plot points has been discussed here and on B-Mart's blog. I just sort of want it over; I want to free up my Tuesday nights. I want to think back on this show and remember it when it was good.

I am contrasting this with my experience today of rewatching the finale of Buffy. Maybe it's because I didn't watch Buffy over seven years, maybe it's because I love Spike a bit more than I love Luke, but I could have had Buffy go on for more seasons. The way Joss ended Buffyverse was very open, obviously, this is way we can have a comic now. But I just think the scene where Buffy tells the potentials that the slayer power can be theirs and then we see all the girls around the world getting their slayer strength is so powerful and beautiful. I think it would have been interesting to see that play out. I know the comic will answer some of that but not in the same way a tv show could and would.

All this comparison is to say that all the good will I've had towards the Gilmore Girls was squandered last year by Amy Sherman Palladino and while I have tried to recapture that love with the new team, it just hasn't clicked for me. So, I hope that they bow out gracefully this year. I may not get my Lorelai and Luke wedding that was promised to me in season two(can we say Chuppah, anyone?) In my mind they end up together and maybe I don't need to see that. Anyway, I just want the show to end with some frakkin dignity. I don't think that's so much to ask.

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