Thursday, October 11, 2007

DS: I'm loving it.

So, one of the big perks of being maid of honor in Maire's wedding was the awesome prezzie I was given. That's right, y'all. Maire got me a Nintendo DS. She didn't just get me any ol' DS either. I got the swanky red and black DS that came with Brain Age 2. I have to say that at first when I was told of my prezzie I wasn't really that geeked up about it. But then I started really looking into the DS and as the wedding approached I got more and more excited. Then, I got to play with my DS and I am totally hooked. Everyday I do a little Brain Age and then, because Maire is the devil, I play WAAAAAAAY too much Tetris. Seriously, those Russians who invented that game clearly had me in mind when they thought Tetris would take over America. I mean, I could, and do, play that game for hours. This Tetris game actually has a bunch of different varieties of Tetris. I haven't played all the games yet but I am getting there. Plus, now I want the DS version of Super Mario Bros. God, I loved that game. This is one cool gadget and totally perfect for a trip, especially a plane ride where you might not want to pack a lot of stuff.

I only have one real complaint re: the DS. Sometimes in Brain Age, it doesn't read my handwriting correctly. It often thinks my 7s are 1s. Which, you know makes a big difference when you are trying to improve your scores. And also, it can never read my lower case y and has trouble with the way I write h. But, I assume soon I will have all those kinks worked out soon enough.

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