Friday, September 22, 2006

The one where I get inspired

Last year most of you followed my progress at the gym and on my diet. I was pretty proud of myself for doing all the work. But somewhere along the way I fell off the horse. I have reasons or excuses; whatever you want to call them. And now I find myself back at square one. Back where I was before I did all that work, before I felt good about myself again. I was sitting in my apartment earlier this week wondering what it would take to get me back on the wagon. I was waiting for someone to light a fire under my as that I myself couldn't light.

It's strange to think about how the internet brings people together who should never really be together. I mean you "meet" people in chat rooms or on blogs or on random web sites and these people affect you. You read about them or you read their stories and it changes you. It makes you think you know them and it makes you think they know you. Even though that is not often the case.

The point of all of this is to say that Pamie has inspired me. On her blog she discusses in detail her first marathon run. As I am reading this entry I am crying at my desk. This woman, who I have never met and probably never will meet, has reduced me to tears and at the same time has give me the final push I need to get up off my ass.

Tomorrow morming I begin my training. I don't plan to run a marathon. But I do plan to run Hanover's Race to the Point in May. I don't want to walk/jog it like last year. I want to run it and maybe even place in my age range (so, look out, Robyn). I have a title to defend after all.


Beth said...

I totally teared up over that too! I am taking pilates, but sadly that's still about the limits of my motivation...I've pondered going to my development's gym, Go Jal!

Jalehlabad said...

Glad to know I wasn't crying alone! Hee!

Unknown said...

That's awesome -- good luck, Jaleh.