Thursday, June 07, 2007

Catch and Release

Last night I watched the movie Catch and Release. I have to say, the movie was only okay. It was a typical sort of your fiancee dies and you find out he's kind of a liar but it helps you grow as a person movie. Also, you maybe develop feelings for one of his friends.

Mostly, all I could think about watching the movie was how much I missed have Jennifer Garner on my tv every week.

Honestly, even though I knew what the movie was about when I rented it I thought the movie was lacking a little something. I didn't care enough about the Juliette Lewis stuff. They could have made that more compelling. I don't know....I just know the movie was missing that mystical *something* that could have made it great. I do know this, when Jennifer Garner fake cries she is just so good at it and it tugs on my heartstrings.

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