Thursday, June 07, 2007

A to Z cds: Day 2

8. Jackson City Limits ~ Ryan Adams and the Cardinals (last listen: 1-3 years): I admit that this cd fell through the cracks of Ryan releasing three cds in a year. Probably his most "country" album to date.

9. 29 ~ Ryan Adams (last listen: 0-3 months): I bought this cd right after I turned 30. Which is, I am pretty sure, about the exact age of Ryan Adams when he wrote this disc. There's a line or two in this song that I seem to really relate to these days. It goes like this: Most of my friends are married and making them babies/To most of them I already died. Now, don't take offense baby-making friends but it's undeniable that we are on vastly different life tracks.

10. Aladdin Soundtrack ~ Various Disney Artists (last listen: 5+ years): It's even the version that they recalled because those Ay-rab types complained about the songs saying Ay-rabs are barbaric.

11. Lily Allen ~ Alright, Still (last listen: 0-3 months)

1 comment:

Beth said...

I could probably sing along to every song on that Aladdin soundtrack (skipping the barbaric Ay-rab comments, of course). Man, I sure did love that movie. Second only to Little Mermaid.