Monday, June 25, 2007

A to Z cds: Day 11

48. The Beatles ~ The Beatles (aka The White Album) (last listen: 0-6 months): Favorite songs: Blackbird. Don't know why but that song always puts me in a good mood. Also, I just love While My Guitar Gently Weeps. I can listen to that song over and over again.

49. Let It Be ~ The Beatles (last listen: 1-3 years): Favorite song: It's a tie between Two of Us and Get Back.

50. 1962-1966 ~ The Beatles (aka the Red Double Disc cds) (last listen: 6 months - 1 year) : So listening to all my cds has made me realize that this double disc constitutes all of early Beatles music. I really need to invest in some of that don't I? Favorite songs: Disc 1: Yesterday; Disc 2: another tie between Norwegian Wood and Paperback Writer.

51. 1967-1970 ~ The Beatles (aka The Blue Double Disc cds) (last listen 6 months - 1 year): I also realized that I need to buy Abbey Road. I swear I used to have that cd. I guess it got lost in a move or someone stole it. Who knows. Favorite songs: Disc 1: A Day in the Life; Disc 2: Here Comes the Sun and The Ballad of John and Yoko.


John Brown said...

I'm waiting for the White Album... Naked.

Jalehlabad said...

Can't listen to things that a) I don't have and b) don't exist. Dumbass.