Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Borders, you lose

Yesterday I received what might be the worst customer service I have ever encountered at Borders. After work I went in to look for a book and to see if they had Buffy: The Chosen Collection in stock. I've been waffling about buying it and I finally decided to bite the bullet. I thought I would get it from Borders because I am constantly getting coupons from them so I would get the dvd collection at least 20% off. Considering the thing costs $200, that made me happy. Plus, I had read complaints from some that when they ordered their dvds on Amazon a few came to them broken.

So, I looked up the dvd on their computers to see if they had it in stock. They didn't; which was fine. The computer instructed me to go to the Info Desk to order the item. So, I did.

Behind the counter was this hipster early 20-something looking guy. He's one of those guys who is cute but he knows it. You can just tell from the way he talks to you. Anyway, I explain to him that I looked up Buffy on the computer and they don't have it. Could he please order it? He gives me this big sigh like I am putting him out. So he starts typing and a few minutes later he says he can't find the book I am talking about. I explain to him that I am not looking for a book but for a dvd collection (and I mean seriously, had the guy never heard of the show Buffy?). He does some more searching and still cannot find it. He then asks me to pull it up on the computer. So, I did. It took me a whole minute. He prints out the page and goes behind his desk to do more searching. Then he tells me the obvious, we don't have this in stock. No shit, asshole. Why do you think I am even talking to you? Then he proceeds to tell me that the dvd is out of print and Borders can't order it. And he does it with a really assy and condescending tone in his voice. I looked at him incredulously. I said, well, I don't think that's true as the dvd collection is only a year old and it's available on Amazon. He says, sorry, ma'am. I can't help you. So, I said, fine. I will go spend my $200 at Amazon. And then he says, okay. Bye.

What the frak? Thanks for being no help at all. You know, I was under the impression that Borders and Barnes and Noble stores really didn't like their customers shopping at Amazon. It cuts into their profits and such. Apparently, I am wrong.

However, this morning I am happy to report that I ordered my Chosen Collection from Amazon. It should be on my doorstep in two days. So, fuck you asshole Borders guy. I win.


Beth said...

1) WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! All 7 sweet, sweet seasons of Buffydom will soon be yours!!!!!

2) I have not purchased a book or CD or DVD from a Borders or B&N (or Best Buy, for that matter) since I began working in the library. When I do purchase one, I order from Amazon b/c I like the excitement of waiting for a package to arrive, and also because it seems like it's usually cheaper. And I can generally work it so I don't have to pay shipping. I guess I don't have a point, other than to say that I have always found Amazon to be reliable and devoid of annoying 20-something hipster sales clerks.

3) I hate boys who know they're cute and act like dicks as a result. Maybe a select few stupid girls will kiss your ass now, dude, but eventually you will find out that not everyone appreciates your assholeyness, and hopefully the universe will demonstrate that to you someday.

4) Not that I'm a bitter person, or anything.

5) Woot, Buffy!!!!

Jalehlabad said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, BUFFY! Is right. I am so excited to have all of the dvds. I don't even know what episode I will watch first.

Anonymous said...

I think Borders and Amazon are "teamed" (at least their online stores). Thus, Borders may in fact still be winning. I'm sorry to have had to break this to you.

Jalehlabad said...

NO! Man, that really bums me out. But I guess I still sort of win in that I get my desired product? Really, all I want is to win.

Unknown said...

Chicago is a Borders town, and the one on Lincoln I usually go to has always been pretty decent servicewise, except for when I wanted to spend $60 on the second Doctor Who set. Then they were jerks. My prize story is about a real smug cat at the Evanston store though.

Beth said...

That reminds me--when I used to work in Evanston, my co-workers and I would go to that Borders (or was it B&N? They're so similar...I think it was Borders, though) and sit in the window and read all of the magazines cover to cover without buying them. And we were never yelled at or chastised by the workers there. So, I do have to applaud them for that. But there's no accounting for St. Louis Borders employees I suppose.

Unknown said...

Was it across from a movie theater? That's the Borders, but I think B&N predated it. There's also a brand new B&N in Evanston that is really nice. (I used to work for both companies and liked Borders best, though they have crappier coffee than B&N.)