Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New beds and other miscellania

About two weeks ago I bought a new bed. Macy's was having a big July 4th bed sale. So, I took them up on their offer. It was past time to get a new bed. I'd had my old bed for about 17 years or so. It was old. It was starting to get uncomfortable. My bed was always squeaking. Any time you sat or laid on it, well, it was noisy. My friend Melissa even mocked me for it when she and her hubby slept on it over Christmas. She said my whole bedroom was one big squeak between the hardwood floors and the bed. Honestly, I always thought my bed squeaked because of the wooden frame.

I am here to tell you that it ain't the frame. On Saturday morning, Macy's delivered the new bed. First of all, it's so taller. It's literally a foot higher than my old bed. I actually have to do a little bit of a run to get into it. What can I say? I'm a little on the short side. Anyway, the bed no longer squeaks or creaks or makes a noise of any kind. And, though my back is still adjusting, it's a very comfortable sleep. It's the best $500 I've spent in a while.

Right now I am aching because I had my first session, with my new YMCA membership, with a trainer last night. You know how there is knowing something and there is knowing something. Well, last night I found out just how bad of shape I am in. The trainer worked me pretty hard last night. Too hard, honestly. My sprained knee which hasn't bothered me in ages had shooting pains last night and twinging pains all day. This is why I will be swimming for a while. Swimming is the reason I joined the Y to begin with; I could have gone to 24 hour Fitness but I chose the Y for the pool. So, laps and water aerobics here I come. My knee is thanking me already.

On the Buffy front, I should have the dvds waiting for me at home. But I guess I will find out soon enough.

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