Thursday, July 26, 2007

A to Z cds: Day 29

Hope you like the blog look. I am trying out something new. I may keep it and I may find something else I like better. Let me know what you think.

130. Devil's Night ~ D12 (last listen: 3-5 years): I bought this cd because I love Em. But really, it's not that great. Favorite song: Purple Pills.

131. Brown Sugar ~ D'Angelo (last listen: 6 months - 1 year): Ladies, do you recall that D'Angelo video. You know the one I am talking about. The naked one. So. Hot. That's why I pilfered this from Squater.

132. Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out ~ The Damn Millionaires (last listen: 0-3 months): I talked about this cd here. Beth, I've got one for you.

GMYH, I feel like today and tomorrow might lower me in your estimation. However, I look at it like this, if we are ever able to dominate in WSOPC, my liking DMB might come in handy.

133. Recently (EP) ~ Dave Matthews Band (last listen 1-3 years)

134. Under The Table and Dreaming ~ Dave Matthews Band (last listen: 1-3 years)

135. Crash ~ Dave Matthews Band (last listen: 1-3 years)


Beth said...

Jaleh. Never, ever apologize to a boy about CDs you own. For one thing, Dave Matthews was a HUGE part of my college experience, and I would guess similar can be said for you. Hearing him will forever bring me back. For this, I will always love him. Also, while I am not a huge fan of him these days, I do still enjoy his old stuff now and again. So what if some music snob girls or boys (sorry, Andrew, but it's true) like to chastize Dave. They can just suck it. Anyway, if you worry about what they think of your Dave CDs, next thing you know you'll be apologizing for your N*Sync CDs, or, god forbid, anything else related to Justin Timberlake.

Meanwhile, I miss the old blog background! This one is just like Babblecat's so I got confused for a minute. And it's harder to read for some reason.

Jalehlabad said...

You are so funny. When I changed to the other one you didn't like it at first. I forgot that this was babblecat's theme. I just wanted turquoise.

And, I am not apologizing at all. Just stating what was a fact. Plus, we need Andrew for WSOPC reunion! Hee.

Honestly, I am not much into Dave these days but man, I loved him in college.

Anonymous said...

I never judge. Just because I don't like Dave doesn't mean I lower my view of someone who does. If that were the case, I would have to lower my view of 99% of the people I went to college with.

And Beth, Dave's music was also a huge part of my college experience (since it was nearly impossible to go to a party an not hear it), so I do have a bit of nostalgia when I hear it. He and his band are talented musicians, but I personally just don't like most of his music (you'll notice I never say "Dave sucks," but rather "I don't like Dave"). Also, you're talking to a guy whose favorite genre is hair band music. If favoring White Lion over DMB makes me a music snob, then dammit I am.

Jalehlabad said...



Thanks for the perspective.

Beth said...

Word, GMYH. Heard and heeded.